If you are like me, your family probably generates a substantial amount of scrap paper throughout the year. I used our recent pile of scrap paper to make a little project for my daughter that not only kept her busy but put that scrap paper to use one more time before recycling. We made some little scratch pads for her to use. Here is what we did:
Scrap paper
hole punch
string or ribbon remnants
markers or crayons

I cut a couple of pieces of scrap paper down to a good size for a scratch pad. I let my daughter use them as templates to cut the rest of the paper herself. Of course, her pieces were a little more creatively shaped. But, the point was to work on a craft and reuse the paper. So, carpe diem!
After she cut the paper, I used the hole punch to put a hole in the top of each piece of paper. Next, we used our thread to tie the pieces together. My daughter decorated the cover of each scratch pad. An easy project using resources at hand! My daughter is pretty excited about using her scratch pads--another plus!
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