A Little Time and a Keyboard: Plant Science Center at Chicago Botanic Garden

Plant Science Center at Chicago Botanic Garden

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Icy river and snow at the Chicago Botanic Garden in January

Winter should certainly not stop you from visiting the Chicago Botanic Garden! The greenhouses definitely have plenty of blooms to warm you up. However, it is also fun to see some of the winter changes outdoors. On our trip this past January, we walked a different route than we typically do during the winter and encountered the Plant Science Center. Believe it or not, this was the first time we ever ventured in. We ended up enjoying an interesting science excursion!

The Plant Science Center has peek through windows where you can see lab equipment. We visited on New Year's Day, so there really wasn't any action going on in the labs. However, the windows provide a way to view science in action on work days.

Even when the labs are not going, the Plant Science Center has plenty of exhibits to explore. Learn about leaves, insects the live in the root zone, bees, conservation, growing zones and more with engaging and hands-on exhibits. There are drawers to open, buttons to push, specimens to see and more. So, a great way to engage children in science learning.

The exhibit area is not overwhelming and can easily be incorporated into your visit to the Chicago Botanic Garden. It is a bit of a walk from the greenhouses, so I recommend looking at a map before you visit to plan where you would like to park, etc. It is quite a hidden treasure and worth a stop in!

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