A Little Time and a Keyboard: Wednesday Weekend Windup {Maple Tapping, St. Paddy's Day, Orchids and More!}

Wednesday Weekend Windup {Maple Tapping, St. Paddy's Day, Orchids and More!}

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

More maple syrup fun this weekend and much more! Here are some fun suggestions:

  • February 11-March 26 The Orchid Show, Chicago Botanic Garden, Orchids in Vogue, some days feature live music, some hands-on elements, dress made of organic materials including orchids and more, adults $10/$12 for members/nonmembers; $8/$10 for kids and seniors; parking is $30 per car; you may purchase tickets and parking online
Thursday, March 16:
  • March 16-18 Celtic Fest at McGonigals in Barrington, entertainment and Irish food, check schedule for info
Friday, March17:
Saturday, March 18:
  • March 18-19 Sugar Bush Fair, Spring Valley Nature Cener, Schaumburg, 9AM-12PM, pancake breakfast, hayride, pioneer sugar maple camp and more, pancakes $5 per half stack, $7 whole
  • March 18 Maple Fest, Red Oak Nature Center, Batavia, 9AM-1PM, tree tapping demos, activities and demo start at top of each hour, maple snacks and warm beverages available for purchase, free event
  • March 18 Green Living Fair, Libertyville Civic Center, 10AM-2PM, speakers, exhibitors and more, free
  • March 18 Get Sticky! Maple Syrup Day, Fullersburg Woods, Oak Brook, 10AM-2PM, learn about maple tapping, tours every 20 minutes, $10 per person, call (630) 850-8110 to register
  • March 18 Free Bird Tales Story Hour, Wildbird Shack, Mount Prospect, 10:30AM-11:30AM, free stories, cookies & refreshments, RSVP by calling 847-873-0409; emailing info@wildbirdshack.com or replying on Facebook
  • March 18-19 Malott Japanese Garden Spring Weekend, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, 11AM-4PM, storytelling, demos, crafts, see schedule, free admission, parking $30 per car
  • Also, Celtic Fest from above.
Sunday, March 19:
  • March 19 45th Annual Maple Syrup Festival, River Trail Nature Center, Northbrook, 11AM-3PM, tree tapping, maple syrup history, crafts, games and more, free admission
  • March 19 Tracks in the Mud, Trailside Museum of Natural History, River Forest, 1:00PM, seek out muddy areas and learn how to identify tracks, free
  • Also, Sugar Bush Fair and Malott Japanese Garden Spring Weekend from above.

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